yoyo booooyyyy Im back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNVOTd1lgv8 “Fight”Minecraft parody of “Twenty-One Pilots”
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Pokemon Theme song
I want a be the very best than no one ever was to catch them is my own test and to train em’ is my cause gotta catch em all why cant ya see this is my destiny heeeey your my best friend in a world we must defend poke’mon gotta catch em all all all pokemon
go to youtube and search song made by Arcanine299
My Math Year
In 4th grade, one of the new things I learned was the Does Mcdonald Sell Cheese Burgers Regularly or, Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check, bring down, Repeat. My favorite part was when we did the m&m packet because when we were finished we got to eat the m&ms. My least favorite part was when we did the angle poplet app because it wasn’t functioning well. My strength is long division because I can get done with a 4 digit problem in a snap…not really. My weakness is grid multiplication because I always mix up the numbers.
In 5th grade I want to learn algebra because algebra is in science and I want to become a scientist.
Matthew’s Animation
So Long Forth Grade
The most important thing I learned was that you can eat flowers. My favorite project was when we made light. I was most surprised when Mrs.Labou dyed her hair. The thing I disliked the most was grid multiplacation.
The Mexican Hat
The Mexican Hat is in the Asteraceae family. Its scientific name is Ratibid Columnaris. This flower has a long,slim seed part with yellow tipped pedals with red behind it surrounding the seed part. it grows up to 3 feet tall. it blooms in June,September,and any month in between. The germination goes to 20-40 days.This flower looks like a sombrero.
Matthew’s home room teacher
Random fun
Same awsome teacher always
Some cool science
Magnificent person
Always fun
Low voice
Lands perfectly
Wants happiness
Ooo cool
Dang awsome
My name is Matthew
My name is Matthew
The name I should be called is Mr.kind knight because I’m always kind
The animal that’s inside of me is a bunny because I always be harmless
what’s in my heart is happiness because happiness is my heart fuel
the sound I like is laughter
the sound I dislike is anger
The smell I love is melted chocolate cookies
The smell I dislike is oil
I love to touch jello
I don’t love to touch garbage
I love the taste of sour lemons
I hate the taste of spinage
I like to see fun
I don’t like to see arguments
My favorite memory is when I met Mrs.Smallwood
My favorite thing in the world is my friends and family
stop the bullying
There is so much bullying going around. In every single school there’s at least 15 bullies. I know that some bullies bully because they’ve been bullied them selves. If you bully bullies you might as well say that your being a way bigger bully than them. some bullies phisicly hurt them,others mentelly hurt you. I know a secret for you,If you Ignore them there’s a 50% chance they’ll change there ways.I hope this bullying stops
my invention
This robot can transform into anything you want besides food,but it does have an oven. Also it has mood buttons to change his mood, for example,if you want him happy you would press the happy face. If you like going places he has built in rocket boots and you can set how fast it go’s. He also as a mustache whip for defence .
Invented by:Matthew WOmack